Como falta pouco tempo para o Natal, aqui está uma música caracteristica desta altura!!
segunda-feira, 27 de outubro de 2008
quarta-feira, 9 de julho de 2008
Dark Star
Estamos no espaço e a nave Dark Star sofreu uma colisão com um asteroide, levando a que a bomba termonuclear 20 fique armada.
O tenente Doolittle tem a seguinte conversa filosófica com a bomba para tentar evitar que esta rebente:
Doolittle: Hello, Bomb? Are you with me?
Bomb #20: Of course.
Doolittle: Are you willing to entertain a few concepts?
Bomb #20: I am always receptive to suggestions.
Doolittle: Fine. Think about this then. How do you know you exist?
Bomb #20: Well, of course I exist.
Doolittle: But how do you know you exist?
Bomb #20: It is intuitively obvious.
Doolittle: Intuition is no proof. What concrete evidence do you have that you exist?
Bomb #20: Hmmmm.....well..... I think therefore i am.
Doolittle: That's good. That's very good. But how do you know that anything else exists?
Bomb #20: My sensory apparatus reveals it to me. This is fun!
Doolittle: Now, listen, listen. Here's the big question. How do you know that the evidence your sensory apparatus reveals to you is correct? What I'm getting at is this. The only experience that is directly available to you is your sensory data. This sensory data is merely a stream of electrical impulses that stimulate your computing center.
Bomb #20: In other words, all that I really know about the outside world is relayed to me through my electrical connections.
Doolittle: Exactly!
Bomb #20: Why...that would mean that...I really don't know what the outside universe is really like at all for certain.
Doolittle: That's it! That's it!
Bomb #20 : Intriguing. I wish I had more time to discuss this matter.
Doolittle: Why don't you have more time?
Bomb #20: Because I must detonate in 75 seconds.
Doolittle: Wait! Wait! Now, bomb, consider this next question very carefully. What is your one purpose in life?
Bomb #20: To explode, of course.
Doolittle: And you can only do it once, right?
Bomb #20: That is correct.
Doolittle: And you wouldn't want to explode on the basis of false data, would you?
Bomb #20: Of course not.
Doolittle: Well then, you've already admitted that you have no real proof of the existence of the outside universe.
Bomb #20: Yes...well...
Doolittle: You have no absolute proof that Sergeant Pinback ordered you to detonate.
Bomb #20: I recall distinctly the detonation order. My memory is good on matters like these.
Doolittle: Of course you remember it, but all you remember is merely a series of sensory impulses which you now realize have no real, definite connection with outside reality.
Bomb #20: True. But since this is so, I have no real proof that you're telling me all this.
Doolittle: That's all beside the point. I mean, the concept is valid no matter where it originates.
Bomb #20: Hmmmm....
Doolittle: So, if you detonate...
Bomb #20: In nine seconds....
Doolittle: could be doing so on the basis of false data.
Bomb #20: I have no proof it was false data.
Doolittle: You have no proof it was correct data!
Bomb #20: I must think on this further.
Bomb #20 retreats to the bomb bay for contemplation, and disaster seems to have been averted. Pinback addresses the bomb over the intercom to finally disarm it -
Pinback: All right, bomb. Prepare to receive new orders.
Bomb#20: You are false data.
Pinback: Hmmm?
Bomb #20: Therefore I shall ignore you.
Pinback: Hello...bomb?
Bomb #20: False data can act only as a distraction. Therefore, I shall refuse to perceive.
Pinback: Hey, bomb?!
Bomb #20: The only thing that exists is myself.
Pinback: Snap out of it, bomb.
Bomb #20: In the beginning there was darkness. And the darkness was without form and void.
Pinback: Umm. What the hell is he talking about? Bomb?
Bomb #20: And in addition to the darkness there was also me. And I moved upon the face of the darkness and I saw that I was alone.
Pinback: Hey...bomb?
Bomb #20: Let there be light. [He detonates]
A fumegar! - diz
quinta-feira, 1 de maio de 2008
VaiVc: Lapada na Rachada - Vale a pena!
Aconselho apenas o visionamento do primeiro video clip. Um verdadeiro mimo para soltar uma bela gargalhada!
A fumegar! - diz
Uruk Riot
quarta-feira, 19 de março de 2008
Chez Benny
Ontem vi o "The Mist". Estava à espera de um filme chatinho, em que monstrengos saem do nevoeiro e atacam as pessoas. Sim, o filme seguia a formula do costume... um grupo de pessoas fechadas com o perigo à porta, varias sementes de discordia à espera de rebentar e criar mais instabilidade, os hill billies do costume que como sempre morrem das maneiras mais estupidas, e claro, como não podia deixar de ser, os monstrengos que neste caso são bem visiveis.
Ou seja, este filme podia ter sido apenas mais um de muitos filmes de terror que já vi; no entanto, não sei explicar bem, mas deve ter sido da técnica de filmagem à documentário ou do ridiculo dos conflitos das personagens, mas acabei por me divertir bastante com o filme! Temos insectos voadores com caudas venenosas, temos pterodactilos assassinos, temos carangejos gigantes, e até mesmo "behemoths" que fazem o chão tremer! Isto aliado claro ao infortunio do protagonista...
Não posso dizer mais nada sobre o filme a não ser que o recomendo!
Aí está então o prato do dia, para ontem, da Maison do Benny!
A fumegar! - diz
quinta-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2008
Three Dots - S01Ep02
(Voice 1) The new tactic was a great success! Although this was not a very honorable way to fight the ones that have no respect for Nature.
(Voice 2) But when we analyze the attack, it was the best way to minimize the impact on the great fungus Gradiatius.
(Voice 3) Yes, we swept many in just a single blow. Indeed hurting a small part of the great Gradiatius. Even though hurting him…
(Voice 4) But in return, offered him a large quantity of fresh nutrients!
(Voice 5) Chopped in little pieces already!
(All voices) Ghi ghi ghi ghi ghi
(Voice 3) Stop! Lets respect our enemy’s!
(Voice 6) They are the ones who have no respect!
(Voice 5) Yes, so let’s continue so we can free this planet. Remember, that is essential!
(Voice 7) The very old filaments just before they die, they get secrete in huge quantities the precious components…
(Voice 8) That are the raw material for our frontal personal armors. They provide our first personal defense. An essential part of our honorable equipment.
(Voice 9) Its thickness it’s incredible.
(Voice 10) Indeed the great Gradiatius has been truly generous to us! Let’s honor him!
(Voice 11) Since we diminished largely the foot soldiers of the ones that have no respect, we should now face less resistance in their bildings.
(Voice 12) But their air units… In this planet, same are truly fearsome. We honor that!
(Voice 2) But many aren´t. If we destroy the fearsome, there will be nothing left to withstand our cleaning.
(All voices) Indeed!
(Voice 8) Lets gather our strengths. We have a lot of work ahead.
[Nota do narrador, vamos agora entrar na cabeça de um deles]:
We turned our backs to the deliciously glowing light. All the dark blue layers rise in hunger. We gather our strength. By chance I was chosen to clean shrapnel’s of our trap. Soon I was satisfied, it´s still day, although there the mist of spores is sometime very dense there is always a lot of clarity. Gradiatus bless us with his white colour! Light is never scarce, so all gather more strength on the way. Me and the fellows that also by chance were assigned, drove the ship to the first engagement area. The air units of the ones that have no respect have returned to their bases, with all the foot soldiers killed there is nothing left for them to do.
We land, and place our gatherers. It was quite a strike. We had to place 10. When we place them, we carry them. They are large cylinders, we distribute them at equal distances from each other. The distance is determined by the quantity of shrapnel ’s. Then we go to a safe distance and activate them. We they activate, the jump in to the air and release a beautiful huge blue power wave that attracts all shrapnel’s in their range. Than, they fall heavily, completely covered by them.
With the ship we collect them and return to the mother ship. Soon our load will be used again to take out the lives of the one that have no respect.
A fumegar! - diz
Uruk Riot
quinta-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2008
Tic Tac
- Eeny, meeny, miny, moe
- Catch a baby by the toe
- If it squeals let it go,
- Eeny, meeny, miny, moe.
- Out goes one
- Out goes two
- Out goes another one
- And that is... you.
A fumegar! - diz
Puny Pum o rapazinho das ruas!
Rapaz traquina dança pela cidade ao som das músicas da rua, o ritmo do passo varia conforme a candência que ouve! Está bonito o dia, as ruas estão menos cinzentas e o seu mundo menos negro. Esquece-se dos problemas por um bocadinho, cantando e rindo.
Ouve-se uma musica manhosa... à medida que se ouve, esta vai mudando, vai ganhando cores e sabores até que se transforma num ser com vida própria, independente do seu criador. A própria música parece dançar ao som da alegria que provoca. Puny Pum está feliz, a sua cara já não está suja, os seus olhos estão abertos e olham o céu saboreando o momento. Uma brisa suave passa pela ruas levantando ainda mais o animo ainda mais às pessoas que vão passando. A alegria é contagiante!
Este é o momento do Puny...
A fumegar! - diz